BaslerCameraArray Class

class basler.basler_camera_array.BaslerCameraArray(devices_info)

A class for basler camera array. Useful for capturing from multiple cameras simultaneously. If the task requires high synchronization, using hardware synchronization is preferred.


The constructor of the array.


devices_info – a list of camera device info stored as dictionaries that has IP address or serial number.

Examples: devices_info = [{'serial_number': '21939024'}, {'ip': ''}]

get_aoi(cam_id: int)

return the area of interest (AOI) of a certain camera


cam_id – camera ID


a tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, width, height)

get_exposure_time(cam_id: int)

return the exposure time of a certain camera in millisecond (ms).


cam_id – camera ID

get_resulting_framerate(cam_id: int)

return the resulting framerate of a certain camera.


cam_id – camera ID

grab_many(n: int)

grab n frames from each camera, and return a list of numpy arrays of shape (n, height_i, width_i) where height_i and width_i are the height and width of the i-th camera


n – the number of frames

grab_n_save(n: int, save_patterns: list, n_start: list = None)

grab n frames and save them sequentially as TIFF files

  • n – the number of frames to grab for each camera

  • save_patterns – a list of strings where each contains one single ‘%d’ as the number.

  • n_start – a list of integers indicating the start number of the filename. Default is [1, 1, ...], i.e. 1 for each camera.


grab_n_save(200, ['/home/zhe/data/cam0-%d.tiff', '/home/zhe/data/cam1-%d.tiff'], [3, 5])

Images are saved as cam0-3.tiff, cam0-4.tiff, … for camera 0, and cam1-5.tiff, cam1-6.tiff, … for camera 1


grab one frame from each camera as a list of numpy arrays

set_acquisition_framerate(cam_id: int, framerate: float = None)

set the acquisition frame rates for a certain camera.

  • cam_id (int) – camera ID.

  • framerate (float) – frame rate.

See the set_acquisition_framerate() of the BaslerCamera class for details.

set_aoi(cam_id: int, aoi: tuple)

set the area of interest (AOI) of the camera.

  • cam_id – camera ID

  • aoi – a tuple: (offset_x, offset_y, width, height)


when saving TIFF files, always use a 16-bit format with the most significant bit (MSB) aligned.


convert – a boolean

set_exposure_time(cam_id: int, exposure_time: float)

set exposure time for a certain camera.

  • cam_id (int) – camera ID.

  • exposure_time (float) – exposure time.

See the set_exposure_time() of BaslerCamera class for details.

set_pixel_format(cam_id: int, pixel_format_string: str)

set acquisition pixel format for the camera.

  • cam_id – camera id

  • pixel_format_string – a pixel format string, like Mono8, Mono12, Mono12Packed. Allowed values vary from camera to camera. Refer to camera documentation in the Pylon software for details.